
joi, septembrie 23

S-a prelungit termenul pentru semnarea petitiei privind Justitia restaurativa!

Asa cum va anuntam in urma cu cateva zile, una din rezolutiile Școlii de Vară de la Sâmbăta de Sus, organizata de Colegiul Mediatorilor, a fost și aceea potrivit cu care mediatorii prezenți și-au exprimat dorinta de a susține această initiativa si de a de a disemina informatia in randul profesionistilor direct interesati in promovarea practicilor restaurative si a drepturilor victimelor infractiunilor si violentei și prin semnarea  PETITIEI prin care să susținem și să promovăm un alt tip de Justiție: JUSTITIA RESTAURATIVA.

Vestea buna este ca s-a prelungit termenul in care poate fi semnata



Mai jos,veti regasi mesajul Forumului European de Justitie Restaurativa cu rugamintea de a disemina informatia in randul profesionistilor direct interesati in promovarea practicilor restaurative si a drepturilor victimelor infractiunilor si violentei.

Mesajul contine informatii despre doua actiuni:
1. Petitia "Sign Up for Restorative Justice" - Petitia EFRJ va fi inaintata Comisiei Europene si Parlamentului European si solicita sprijin in implementarea pe scara larga a practicilor restaurative (inclusiv medierea) la nivelul tuturor tarilor europene. Data limita pentru semnarea petitiei este 15 Octombrie.
2. Consultare publica initiata de Comisia Europeana cu privire la drepturile, sprijinul si protectia victimelor infractiunilor si violentei - Consultarea publica ofera oportunitatea tuturor persoanelor si institutiilor interesate sa isi spuna punctul de vedere cu privire la modul in care Uniunea Europeana ar trebui sa actioneze in asistarea victimelor infractiunilor si violentei. Data limita este 30 Septembrie.


LEUVEN, BELGIUM, 22 September 2010

Dear friends of the European Forum for Restorative Justice,

We would like to draw your attention to 2 matters in which your
participation is highly needed:

*Online Petition*
The deadline for the Forum's online petition has been postponed to *15
October 2010*. For those of you who are not informed yet: this online
petition is addressed to the European Commission and European Parliament,
and asks for:
- Legislative and other initiatives to support a broader implementation of
restorative justice in the Member States
- The necessary resources for the European Forum to continue working on the
development of restorative justice

If you didn't sign this petition yet, please do so as soon as possible. It
would also be appreciated if you send the link to all your contact persons
with a request to sign in order to reach as many people as possible.
You can find the petition on the following link:

*Public consultation by the European Commission on the rights, support and
protection of victims* *of crime and violence *
The European Commission has launched a full public consultation on the
rights, support and protection of victims of crime and violence. It gives
interested parties an opportunity to express their views on how the EU
should act to assist victims of crime and violence. Please fill out this
public consultation, it will make a difference!
As this is an open consultation, we would like to encourage you to pass this
on to anyone you feel would be interested in participating. The deadline is
*30 September 2010*.
The consultation can be found at the following link:

If you have any questions concerning the petition or public consultation,
don't hesitate to contact us.

Thanks for your efforts!

Best wishes,
The Secretariat of the European Forum

European Forum for Restorative Justice
Hooverplein 10
3000 Leuven - Belgium
Tel.: 0032 16 32 54 29
Fax: 0032 16 32 54 74

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1. Nume, prenume
2. Telefon – pentru a fi contactat in vederea programării
3. Tip de litigiu/ conflict
4. În ce parte a zilei puteți fi programat/ă.